Category Archives: Electronics

Electronics and related things

Feelworld FW597 Field monitor – DIY AV Cable pinout

I got myself a Feelworld Field monitor since I want to improve my Youtube video game a bit.

But first I needed to build a AV Cable to connect my Olympus Pen camera to the (legacy) 3,5mm, 4 ring AV jack of the FW597 since olympus Pen camera do not support live video HDMI output.

Long story short, the pinout:

1, Ground
2, Video in
3, Right audio channel
4, Left audio channel
(1 being the ring at the base of the plug and 4 the tip of the plug.)



Electronic viewfinder (EVF)

(This is the English language version of this posting: EVF)
What is this all about? Many old video camera (VHS era) are equipped with tiny black and white CRT screens as viewfinders. It is exactly these this posting is about. Many of them can be hooked up to a BAS or FBAS (Yellow RCA connector). Such as CCTV cameras or a Raspberry Pi to be used as a tiny screen or with the magnifying viewfinder assembly you can put it close to your eye and have a much larger image.

O_sucher_view_detail2 Continue reading Electronic viewfinder (EVF)

High voltage generator from ebay

sparkI bought this “DC 3.6v-6v to 400kV Boost Step-up Pulse Power Module High-voltage Generator” thingy from on ebay thinking it’s total crap since the description is nonsense. Stating it can deliver 200kV and also stating it can deliver 400-600kV but no even mentioning the polarity of the input. It was only $3.95 (including shipping) so I bought it anyway.

Of course it can’t generate Voltages nowhere near to 600kV or even 200kV but HELLO! It puts out enough voltage for some nice sparks. I’m still looking for a volunteer to test the how these sparks feel :D

Continue reading High voltage generator from ebay